Safe use by certified quality
We set ourselves the goal to designate the quality as an outstanding component of the long-term success of the company.
According to this mission, we strive to provide the customers with products and services of high quality which correspond to the State of science and technology. The resulting requirements, should be fulfilled to the full satisfaction of our customers.
With our high-quality products, as well as by providing our customers with advice and support, we intend to work for the benefit and the satisfaction of our customers and to always come up to their expectations.
Quality management is therefore an important element of our corporate policy. The certification of our management system documents this and is a way to communicate this fundamental orientation inwards and outwards. Since 2000 we are working based on a management system certified according to ISO.
Through the application of optimal resources which are available to our company, we ensure the satisfaction of our customers in the long term.
In this way, we want to ensure that our company can compete and develop in the international competition.